
“Bovine bone collagen hydrolysates promote bone formation through regulating bone growth.”

Jianing Wang, Junli Liu and Yanchuan Guo

Cell Growth Stimulation, Cell Cycle Alternation, and Anti-Apoptosis Effects of Bovine Bone Collagen Hydrolysates Derived Peptides on MC3T3-E1 Cells Ex Vivo


“L-carnitine tartrate supplementation, over a period of 5 weeks, was able to improve recovery and fatigue based on reduced muscle damage and soreness.”

Matthew Stefan, Matthew Sharp, Raad Gheith, Ryan Lowery, Charlie Ottinger, Jacob Wilson,
Shane Durkee and Aouatef Bellamine

L-Carnitine Tartrate Supplementation for 5 Weeks Improves Exercise Recovery in Men and Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial


“Magnesium improves muscle function by competitively binding to calcium sites and ensuring muscle relaxation.”

Cristina Schiopu, Gabriela S, Smaranda Diaconescu, Gheoghe G. Bălan, Nicoleta Gimiga,
Elena Rusu, Cosmin Alec Moldovan, Bogdan Popa, Elena Tataranu, Andrei Vasile Olteanu,
Alexandra Bolos and Cristinel S

Magnesium Orotate and the Microbiome–Gut–Brain Axis Modulation: New Approaches in Psychological Comorbidities of Gastrointestinal Functional Disorders


“Ashwagandha extract appears to has a beneficial effect in improving sleep in adults.”

Kae Ling CheahID, Mohd Noor Norhayati, Lili Husniati YaacobID, Razlina Abdul Rahman ID

Effect of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract on sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis


“It seems that magnesium levels are lowered in the course of several mental disorders, especially depression.”

Andrea Botturi, Valentina Ciappolino, Giuseppe Delvecchio, Andrea Boscutti, Bianca
Viscardi and Paolo Brambilla

The Role and the Effect of Magnesium in Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review


“Human studies indicated Mg supplementation may improve performance parameters in both aerobic and anaerobic exercises.”

Yijia Zhang, Pengcheng Xun, Ru Wang , Lijuan Mao and Ka He

Can Magnesium Enhance Exercise Performance?


“Magnesium helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function, heart rhythm (cardiac excitability), vasomotor tone, blood pressure, immune system, bone integrity, and blood glucose levels and promotes calcium absorption.”

Stella Lucia Volpe, PhD, RD, LDN, FACSM

Magnesium and the Athlete


“Mineral malnutrition, including magnesium deficiency, is nowadays quite common; daily intake of magnesium in most industrialised countries is insufficient.”

Urszula Blaszczyk, Aleksandra Duda-Chodak

Magnesium: its role in nutrition and carcinogenesis